Posts tagged dev
Promise Lifetime Question
Playgrounds for Libraries
Synchronized Wrapper in Swift
Swift - didSet on Local Variables
Type Inferior-ence
Using Let's Encrypt to add SSL to GitLab
Pattern Matching in an if Statement
Mutating Arrays of Structs in Swift
agvtool Error
Approachable Functional Thinking, Using Protocol Extensions
Swift - Adopting SequenceType
Collection Extensions in Swift - uniq() and tapDescription()
Using Bundler for Playing with Ruby Gems
Combining Dictionaries in Swift
The Weak/Strong Dance in Swift
Swift Sieve of Eratosthenes
Singletons in Swift
Easier getenv() in Swift
Swift - Hashable for Sets
Swift - Equatable Structs
Bash trick - Echo as sudo
Personal Podcast Generator Script
My Jekyll Setup (i.e. Dust Settling)
Delete last commit in Git
Handy bash commands
Update to YRKSpinningProgressIndicators
Trac svn post-commit hook on Dreamhost
Run Script While Cleaning in Xcode
Updates to YRKShellScriptHelper
YRKShellScriptHelper: Fun Shell Scripts Using Ruby
Xcode Run Script Build Phase Tip